


Connect Supabase to and upgrade your collaboration with your design partners. You have probably received a few Figma files from product designers that you’d need to rebuild from scratch. Let’s kill the handover process and give you a development environment where you and your product designers can collaborate. They design, and you build logic and interactivity, the way it should be without the silly workarounds—no unnecessary rebuilds.


This guide takes you through how to connect your Supabase backend to your toddle Frontend. To make it easier to understand We'll use a basic todo list app as the example.

Step 1: Set up your Backend on Supabase

  • On the Supabase dashboard, click New project and set the name, Database password, and region of the project.

Supabase Step 1 - New project

  • Once the project has been created, navigate to the table Editor on the left navigation bar (It takes a few minutes for Supabase to provision a database and API endpoints, be patient).

Supabase Step 1 - New table

  • Click create a New table in the table Editor to store our todo's. Make sure you are in the schema public view.

Supabase Step 1 - Table settings

  • Turn Row Level Security (RLS) off for this example and create a new table called todo, with 3 columns: -id: is a unique ID for the entry. Choose the type uuid (or Universally unique identifier). -created at: The value timestamptz is selected by default. You can keep it as is. It's a timestamp with timezone. Useful to know when the todo was created. -name: This is the todo list item that you'll want to remember. Set the type to text.
  • You can now import a few todo's via a csv or manually. (For the purposes of this example we imported three todos manually.)

Supabase Step 1 - Add values

Note: In this tutorial we’ve turned off “Row Level Security (RLS)”. In practice, you will want to create policies that restrict who gets to create, edit, and delete posts. By turning this off, any user can modify the database without restrictions.

Step 2: Connect to your frontend

  • Click on Project settings -> API and get the credentials you need to fetch and delete data from your Supabase database. Copy the public API key from Supabase and head over to

Supabase Step 2 - Get API credentials

  • Head over to your frontend design in Click outside the canvas and then click on API in the right hand panel.

Supabase Step 2 - Connect to an API in toddle

  • Enter the API credentials in the API connector in
    • You are fetching data. Make sure your URL is set to GET.
    • Copy in your URL from the API details in Supabase.
    • Insert your path. The path to Supabase is rest/v1/{project-name}
    • Insert your APIkey in the header.
    • If you see the data you want to fetch on the right you can close the dialog and move to the next step.

Supabase Step 2 - Enter your API credentials

  • Close the API dialog to see your project. Now we need to set up a repeat item that will show your todo's from Supabase.

Step 3: Add data from your Supabase backend to toddle

  • Select the element you want to display the todo item and right click on the element tree to select Repeat item

Supabase Step 3 - Create a repeat item

  • Once clicked, the formula editor will appear. In the formula editor select the Supabase API and declare the data you want to repeat. (These are your todo's.)

Supabase Step 3 - Declare the data you want to repeat

  • Once repeated, you'll see the item you repeated on your screen. You'll have one repeat item per item in your database.
  • Now select the text and click the fx icon in the box on the right to dynamically replace the text.

Supabase Step 3 - Add a formula to your text

  • Once clicked, the formula editor will appear. In the formula editor select Item and name. You'll now see your data displayed nicely in the repeat item

Supabase Step 3 - Dynamically insert text

That's it. You now fetch data from your Supabase database. If you'd like to learn how to remove and add items you can sign up to here.

Step 4: Resources

  • You can find all toddle documentation here
  • There's also a wealth of tutorial videos on YouTube
  • They also offer live support via their Discord community here
  • The team has also set up an AI-powered bot that answer live queries directly in the toddle editor



Third-party integrations and docs are managed by Supabase partners.